
Affordable Organic and Green Gifts

I just read an article saying that Americans were planning on cutting back on gifts this year. In many ways, that's probably a good thing as we have tended in the past to overspend at the holidays (and I include myself in that "we"). It will be interesting to see how this pans out as we get closer to those winter holidays. Often people swear they're going to spend less but end up spending more than they anticipated or budgeted. This year, I'm guessing most folks will truly scale back - but I'm also thinking the kinds of gifts we give might shift.

In recent years, I've started giving gifts of food since it's not something someone stuffs in a back closet or tries to re-gift (though if it's the notorious fruitcake, it might be re-gifted several times, even across state lines)...

As a business consultant and business owner, I often give a small gift to clients as a token of my appreciation for our business relationship (which often turns into genuine friendship over the years). Food is a pretty safe gift for corporate gift giving especially because you don't have to worry about size, color, or more importantly, cost. Many companies have strict rules about employees receiving gift, especially from vendors, but those restrictions rarely apply to food gifts.

Of course, there's a reason I'm talking about all this. Cara has been hard at work putting together some really cool gift collections that fit every budget. For example, we've got an Organic Harvest hot sauce collection of three of the best, 100% organic hot sauces you'll ever taste for only $9.99. Here's another example - a set of four organic jams from Colorado Mountain Jam so packed with flavor you'll be tempted to eat it straight from the jar - for just $21.29. One more example - Cara put together an amazing gift (I'm hoping someone gives this to me this year...hint hint) with organic Rishi tea, Biscottea shortbread cookies (perfect with tea) and a really cool ceramic mug with removable tea strainer for just $35.99. I'm not a big fan of tea (I'm more of a hard core coffee drinker), but this Rishi tea is like nothing I've ever tasted before. It's got incredibly robust, complex flavors and as it cools, you can taste more and more nuances. I know, I know, it sounds a bit like some high brow wine review, but really, this tea is THAT good. The Biscottea use organic tea in the cookies. Cara worked with Rishi to create parings that really work nicely together and the ceramic mug is great for coffee or tea.

So, you see, you can give a wonderful gift that the recipient will be thrilled to receive, you can do all this on a tight budget and you can be sure that everyone you know gets a little something at the holidays that won't end up being re-gifted.

I spared you by not listing every single gift we have - suffice it to say Cara's had a really fun time creating these gifts and I don't think she's done yet - so check back often for affordable organic and green gifts you can give with a clean conscience this year!

shopOrganic Affordable Organic and Green Gifts

1 comment:

JC said...

Great post - good ideas for gift giving. I really like your store and just posted about it on my site - http://bodysoulconnect.com/post/58415351/shop-organic

Looking forward to buying from shopOrganic.