
Maria Rodale's Organic Manifesto

Maria Rodale spoke at the Natural Foods Expo last month in Anaheim, CA. I stood in a long line to get her book, Organic Manifesto, and get it signed - but when I got to the front, they had sold out. However, true to her word, Maria mailed me a copy shortly afterward. I sat down and started reading it the moment it came out of its wrapper. If you're at all interested in organic, you should pick up a copy of the book.

I will, however, give you a quick preview - from the Foreword, written by Eric Schlosser (American journalist and author of Fast Food Nation, another worthwhile read). Here is his opening....

"Pesticides are poisons. They are manufactured to kill insects, rodents, fungi, and weeds But they can also kill people. Organophosphates - one of the most common types of pesticide - were developed in Nazi Germany to be used as chemical weapons. It was later recognized that the same sort of nerve gases formulated to attack enemy soldiers and civilians could be used against agricultural pests....A conservative estimate of current pesticide use in American agriculture would be about 1.2 billions pounds a year - about 4 pounds of the stuff for every American man, woman and child." (Foreward by Eric Schlosser, Organic Manifesto by Maria Rodale, p. ix)

If that isn't enough information to spark your interest in organic, I don't know what is. I didn't know that pesticides began as chemical weapons in WWII. I do think it's interesting that there is a direct correlation to the increase in the use of pesticides in farming and the increase in diseases like cancer, Alzheimer's and other auto-immune dis-eases.

The chemical industry has spent billions of dollars convincing us the only way to grow food, keep our yards and homes pest free and provide enough food for people worldwide is through the use of pesticides. But that's simply not true. The billions they've spent have gone toward paying for self-serving 'research' that supports their view of the world. But unbiased empirical evidence points to the damage pesticides are doing to our soil and water.

I'm not going to go point by point through the book, but if you're interested in hearing the facts about why organic is truly worth it - for you, your family and the health of all of us on this beautiful spinning orb we call Planet Earth, give Maria's book a read. You might find some of it disturbing, but you'll also find evidence that there are millions of people who support organic and sustainable practices and there is a growing groundswell of support.

To find high quality, certified organic, fair trade and sustainable products you can trust online, visit www.shopOrganic.com - For The Greater Goods (sm).

No, go out there and enjoy your day!

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