
Happy Holidays Starts With Taking A Deep Breath

This time of year, the holiday spirit invites us to participate in gatherings of all kinds. The opportunity to connect with friends, colleagues and family in the spirit of kindness and sharing is an amazing gift that we can strive to carry with us the other 11 months of the year. But it can also be a stressful time when expectations can overwhelm us. This year, I invite each of you to stop for five minutes when the pace is most hectic. Sit quietly, stand quietly, breathe out (the breathing in part always takes care of itself). Focus on your heart, think of someone or something you love unconditionally.

When I get stressed, I stop and think about my dogs or the antics of my evil but lovable cat. Mind you, there are many people in my life I love - but honestly, just thinking about my dogs (or cat) makes my blood pressure drop instantly. Actually, studies have consistently shown that dogs (in particular) help lower stress in humans (being with dogs or truly, even just thinking about them). Amazing, but true.

So,when the stress of all the to do's starts getting to you, center your thoughts for just a moment on something greater than yourself. Remember that the holidays will be just fine without every detail being perfect. Remember the point is to connect with friends and family and share the love. Everything else is just window dressing.

Happy holidays!

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