
Health Care vs. Sick Care

Americans spend twice as much on health care as European countries, but we are twice as sick due to high rates of chronic disease. Like other parts of our economy, it seems this 'disconnect' needs to be called into question and examined. Why are Americans suffering twice as much as Europeans from chronic disease? Is living in America inherently unhealthy? Probably not a geographic, but a psychographic problem - our behaviors and lifestyles put us at risk.

Well-known physician and author Dr. Andrew Weil suggests "Integrative Medicine can offer low-cost alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs and surgery for many conditions that now drain our health care resources." Dr. Weil directs a training program for medical students at the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. Their approach emphasizes "proven, low-risk, low cost interventions, progressing to high-cost interventions only when the severity of conditions demand them."

Of course, like most problems, those we deal with early are easier to fix. If you wait until the oil in your car has solidified, you're more likely to have a serious engine failure. On the other hand, if you change your oil at periodic intervals, you can keep your engine running cleaner and longer. The human body is no different.

It's clear that clean food, clean water and clean surroundings contribute to our health. When we ingest food filled with pesticides and chemicals fertilizers, our bodies have to filter that out. When we ingest food that is free of artificial chemicals and full of nutrients, our bodies can run like the well-tuned engines they were meant to be.

Yes, you can head to the doctor if you have a serious illness, but head to the cupboard if you want to avoid illness. Choose clean, organic food. Choose healthy oils. Choose whole foods. Choose natural cleaning products for your home and surroundings. Give your body a chance to be an amazingly healthy being with just a little help from you.
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Take A Risk - Remain Optimistic

The biggest risk you can take right now is not taking out a new mortgage or another limited time 0% interest credit card offer....it's risking optimism. Let's face it, it's a pretty bleak economic picture out there and people are losing jobs and homes and the very structure of their lives. Remaining optimistic that we can and will fix this, together, is probably the riskiest position to take, but in time, I think it will prove to be the wisest investment of all.

The economic models we've relied on for generations are crumbling. From my perspective, it was only a matter of time. I kept asking financial people I knew like accountants and financial analysts - "How is this sustainable? How can we keep spending ahead of our earnings and keep it going?" I'm not claiming to have seen this coming or to have been smarter than the average Joe. I just knew from my own personal finances that I had to reign in spending and debt accumulation so that I wouldn't tip over. I saw the same out in the world and wondered if there was anything about the model that I was missing....Nope. As it turns out, it wasn't sustainable. What made it take a crash landing, though, were the big boys in our political and financial institutions, but that's not the point here so I'll leave it at that.

So, here's the thing. We need to build sustainability into everything we do. No more wanton waste. No more mindlessness. Let's work together to create a sustainable world where we all have jobs and a roof over our heads, clean food and water. Sound crazy? I'm optimistic we can create that future together. As a species, humans are pretty clever. Let's take those brilliant minds who created Ponzi schemes and derivatives and set them to work on creating a brilliantly fair and sustainable economic model for the world.

In the meantime, I'm betting on the better side of human nature. Sure, we see the power struggle in our political system, but the days of "us and them" are over (though some have not yet recognized that new reality). It's time to work together to form a new economic model that rewards hard work, honest effort and the creation of sustainable value. Look for companies in your area that are already doing that - they exist. I, for one, am spending my hard earned dollars with companies that share those values so I can hopefully help them through this lean economic period. Over time, they'll become the very bones of the new economy - so get a head start and support them now.

Together, we can build a more sustainable economic model. So, take the biggest risk today and remain optimistic.
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