
Innovative Building Materials Absorb CO2

No matter how much you think you know, there's always something new that comes along and makes you re-think what you thought you knew. Did you know that the cement used in buildings emits more CO2 than the entire aviation industry? Who knew? Well, I'm guessing someone knew but that was news to me. Cement is made with limestone that emits CO2 as it cures, which is apparently something on the order of 99 years... This British firm has re-formulated cement using a magnesium silicate that, among its other positive and enhanced qualities, absorbs CO2 as it cures. So, it's not only zero emissions but might actually soak up CO2 emissions from other buildings. Sort of an urban CO2 vacuum.

It's innovations like these that make me truly marvel at the brilliant and creative human spirit. When we turn our attention to solving problems, it's amazing what we can do. I'm equally optimistic that other problems will be solved (ok, some may be just knocked down to smaller sizes) with the same creative efforts.

Where there is crisis, there is also opportunity. Personally, I'm looking forward to the creative solutions on the horizon.

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