
Gourmet Greens - Foraging and Farming

I read a delightful story in the New Yorker this afternoon that made me recall how much I just love food. The article entitled "The Food At Our Feet" (by Jane Kramer) (click here to read it in entirety) recalls a summer of foraging for gourmet greens...

OK, so never mind that it's autumn in the U.S heading briskly into winter. Never mind that those tender wild greens won't be around anytime soon, but reading this article will bring you back to those wonderful summer months even if all you did was sit in your air conditioned office slogging through mounds of paperwork.

That said, I recently discovered our own little version of wild foraging - well, not exactly wild and, ok, not foraging. My weekly farm basket comes to me courtesy of a local organic farm just southeast of Tucson. Sunizona Family Farms is not only organic, it's vegan organic (who knew?) . I had seen a variety of farm basket programs but never signed up until I found one that was all organic all the time. Now, every week, I get delightful micro-greens along with spinach, kale, cucumbers, sweet potatoes and more.

My recent fave? Organic, unbelievably delicious spaghetti squash.

More importantly, I'm forced to get out of my habitual food grooves and explore new tastes, new cooking (or not-cooking) methods and flavors.

So, for those of you who have access to a farm basket program in your area, try it. Of course, if it's organic, it's primo, but supporting local farmers who are using sustainable methods is a good starting point. The point is to start.

Support your small local farmers, support your local organic farmers and support small businesses making a big difference (and yes, shopOrganic.com is a small business and one you can proudly support). Our motto - shop local, then shopOrganic.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May your holiday be filled with family, fabulous food and perhaps a few foraged (or locally farmed) greens!

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