
Healthy Kids Begin Organically

Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions and it's now one of the leading childhood health risks. Type 2 diabetes used to be called adult onset diabetes because it was most often seen in older, sedentary people. It took years of unhealthy diet and lack of exercise before these would finally take their toll. Pediatricians these days are seeing more and more children with Type 2 diabetes, almost unheard of a generation ago.

In fact, two thirds of U.S. teens have one or more "adult" medical conditions. Clearly, overweight, obese children with Type 2 diabetes (and/or metabolic syndrome) is among the most urgent health issue facing our country. Kids need healthy food and healthy lifestyles, including active play time, to build the foundation of a healthy life. Dr. Alan Greene, Clinical Professor at Stanford University, is a technical advisor to The Organic Center and firmly believes that organic food is a critical component in raising healthy children.

What's the connection between obesity, Type 2 diabetes and organic food? There are many and in this post and several to follow, we'll discuss the answers to this question.

Part I - Getting Children Off To A Good Start

For a woman contemplating preganancy, the six months prior to conception, the nine months of pregnancy and the first two years of a child's life are periods of heightened vulnerability to developmental abnormalities, some with significant and lifetime consequences. An expecting mother's diet during pregnancy provides the nutrients available to the developing fetus and also plays a major role in determining how many toxic chemicals are present in amniotic fluids. Toxic chemicals in amniotic fluid can block normal development. So, yes, eating food loaded with chemical and pesticides does impact a developing fetus while in the womb and for a lifetime afterward.

Eating a well-balanced diet full of organic fruits, vegetables, dairy and grains can eliminate dietary exposure to pesticides and harmful chemical food additives. An organic diet during early childhood can establish and sustain taste-based preferences for healthy (nutirient dense) foods for a lifetime of healthy eating. Children develop their taste preferences during early life and starting them off with nourishing, organic foods can help them develop a lifetime of healthy eating habits.

How can we get children off to a good start? Before, during and after pregnancy -
- Purchase more organic fresh fruits and vegetables, grains and dairy
- Plant an organic home or family garden or participate in organic community farming
- Consume a healthy breakfast every day
- Cook and eat healthy meals at home
- Try new recipes and quick meals using organic, raw and minimally processed foods

Beyond diet, engage your child in active play every day. Learn to play with your child and you'll benefit from a more active lifestyle as well. Walk in the neighborhood, dance to silly songs, play hide and seek or tag. Think of activities that are fun, engaging and active and build a family foundation of health and wellness.

Until next post, be well, be healthy, organically -
Now go out there and enjoy your day!

(Click here to download and read the full report entitled "That First Step" from The Organic Center now.)
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Ginger Beats Nausea for Chemo Patients

When you were a kid, chances are good your Mom gave you ginger ale when you had a tummy ache or upset stomach. Ginger has been known for years as both an effective "folk remedy" and more recently, in the natural food world as a natural stomach calmer. A study just released also found that it can be incredibly effective in reducing the nausea that is a common and often serious side effect of chemotherapy.

According to an article by the Associated Press, "The study involved 644 patients from cancer centers around the nation who had suffered nausea in a previous round of chemotherapy. Two-thirds had breast cancer and the rest, other forms of the disease. They were placed in four groups and given one of three doses of ginger (the equivalent of one-half, 1 or 1 1/2 grams of ginger per day) or dummy capsules in addition to standard anti-sickness medicines." "It is heartening that ginger may offer hope as a cheap and simple way to ease the burden of chemotherapy on patients and their families, said Dr. Durado Brooks of the Cancer Society." A word of caution - Ginger caused no side effects in the new study, but doctors say people should talk with their doctors before trying it because it can interfere with blood clotting, especially during cancer treatment or if taken with the blood thinner Coumadin or other commonly used medicines. It's also a risk for people having surgery, the American Cancer Society warns.

Still, real ginger offered the hope to chemo patients battling nausea and though the study points to a specific brand, I'd like to mention New Chapter's Gingerforce capsules. New Chapter's products are among the highest quality products on the market. If you're looking for an excellent ginger product to try, start with New Chapter's Gingerforce - available of course, at shopOrganic.com.

[Note: Nothing in this article should be construed as medical advice. Please talk to your care provider.]
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